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Basic Skills (Essential Functions)

Students in the MLS program must have the knowledge and skills necessary to function successfully in a clinical laboratory. To that effect, a list of essential functions is required for all students in each programs.

1. Motor Skills
Students must have sufficient motor skills in order to perform detailed laboratory procedures. These skills would require the use of vision, touch, and gross/fine motor functions to accomplish the procedures.

2. Communication
Students must be able to communicate effectively and efficiently in order to process information presented to them in an oral and written form from a health care team as well as a patient. This communication would involve speech and hearing.

3. Intellectual Reasoning
Students must be able to use their intellect to measure, calculate, analyze and problem solve.

4. Social and Caring Behavior.
Students must have a sufficient emotional and mental well-being in order to use good judgment in the laboratory and in patient care. Adaptability and flexibility to changing environments as well as learning new information as it is presented to them is a necessity. Other attributes that are needed are integrity and compassion

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